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Ayurveda - Ancient Science of Life Still Gaining Popularity Worldwide
Ayurveda is an ancient medicine system that not only deals with the treatment of diseases but also teaches us with various methodologies that are essential to carry out a healthy and happy living. In this article, we will discuss about Ayurveda and its significance.Ayurveda is an ancient and popular form of holistic medicine system originated in India and now spreading worldwide. It is a combination of two Sanskrit words, ayur meaning 'life' and veda meaning 'knowledge'. Ayurveda means science of life. It not only deals with the treatment of diseases but also teaches us with various methodologies that are essential to carry out a healthy and happy living.The basic principle of ayurveda is to eradicate sorrows and misery from the life a person. These sorrows and misery can be any, physical or emotional. It believes in making a person happy and free from any disease and secondly if a person somehow gets affected by certain ailments then it is concerned with treating the root cause besides providing a disease.Besides maintaining general heath, it tells certain ways to achieve longitivity and live life like a youth. These methods are known as rasayana. This longitivity can be achieved by herbal medicines and also by following a certain procedures.It is largely an herbal science. It delves into the medicinal properties of herbs and studies their effects on the human system. There are more than four thousand herbs known, out of which about one thousand are very commonly used in regular prescriptions. There are various herbal preparations that are extremely helpful in eradicating various diseases that has been caused due to certain reasons. Though it mainly deals with herbs; it also deals with several minerals (dhaatus). Some of them are very important to the human wellbeing.Apart from herbs and minerals, there are several therapies that Ayurveda has devised. The most famous of these is the Panchakarma therapy. It is a five step procedures that helps in eliminating toxins from the body thereby establishing the homeostasis in the three humors i.e. (vata, pitta and kapha). It can treat almost any ailment that afflicts humans and is popular way of purifying our body.Hence we can say it is a complete health science that has the capability to transform our body making it more energetic, youthful and filled with enthusiasm.Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.Copyright Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.
About The Author: Read some easy and effective Home Remedies at - complete home remedies guide for all common health problems. Also read about Shilajit and other common herbs.
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