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Networking: Six Degrees from Success
Six degrees of separation is a theory which basically states that no matter who you are or where you are; You are only six people away from knowing any one person on the planet.How can we use this to our advantage socially and in the business world? The 21st century term for this is called Networking. By building a list of contacts and acquaintances you can in theory find someone that can help you achieve your goals.One common trait found among most self made millionaires was the size of their rolodex. They have an above average list of business associates and acquaintances than the rest of society. This enables them to network more efficiently and produce faster and better results.How large is your list of contacts? Do you use them effectively? Is your current list up to date? It should not only contain their name and number but information about who they are and what they do. Information that you can use to network more efficiently.One of your goals should be to work on enlarging your circle of friends, associates and acquaintances. Start by updating your current list of contacts you already have and make it a point to add new contacts on a regular basis. Network with them and you should be able to achieve your goals faster and easier than ever before.Copyright Barry Hughes
About The Author: Barry Hughes has been interested in what motivates people and how to set and achieve goals for the past 10 years. You can visit his homepage at  or his relationship website at
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Writing about Archaeology Degrees has led us to learn unknown things about Archaeology Degrees. This is the main reason for us to write this article; to make it fruitful to you!